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Oil Painting How to Match Any Color

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Also included in this kit is 1 120gm jar of holographic glitter, 300 Vynalaser stencils that are reusable and a CD-Rom that gives you Flash displays for your customers. This kit will run you around $994 where as the items purchased individually would run you around $1,242. As you can see using a kit to get you started learning about airbrush art tattoos or to get enough product to start your business is cheaper than purchasing individual items. Airbrush Art On Automobiles By airbrushing art onto your automobile you can create a unique paint job that really shows off your style. Once you have the basics down on how to work the airbrush then you can pretty much create some great airbrush art on your automobile. It does not matter if you can draw or not. You can heat set by placing a protect cloth between the design and the iron and ironing the design or you can turn the material inside out and place in the dryer on high heat. If the acrylic does not require heat setting on fabrics then you should still protect the design from fading when washed. To do this place the clothing into a sink of cold water and salt and allow to soak. Airbrush Art On T-Shirts Putting airbrush art on T-shirts can be a fun and creative hobby. For those that want to take it a step further it can also be fun and exciting business. T-shirts containing airbrush art are popular and unique to wear. What makes airbrushed t-shirts so unique is that one of a kind images can be created giving the wearer a shirt that no one else has. While the book will teach you some intricate designs do not worry though cause the book, also has some simple projects that you can start with when working with airbrushing motorcycles and cars. If you are at an intermediate level with airbrush art then The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook by Pamela Shanteau is for you. Take the time to look at the art in the books and see them as your own. Think of how you would have created that picture had it been yours. Then go from there and start drawing out how you would have made it look. Once you are happy with it then airbrush it on to your project to create your own unique airbrush art design. 

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