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What diagrams there were in the traditional origami did not always show the complete sequences. Modern origamists prefer to use the pure single sheet origami. Using only Origami paper, no glue, and no scissors. Using more than one sheet of paper is acceptable only if all the sheets of paper were the same size and no glue was used in the process. It was followed nearly 50 years later with an encyclopedia that contained a full collection of these figures. Modern origami has progressed to what it is today in great part due to a man named Yoshizawa Akira who in the early 1950's published books containing all new figures. In collaboration with San Randlett, an American, he developed the diagram symbols that are still used today. In 2006, the Kyoto Prize in Arts and Literature for lifetime achievement was awarded to Miyake for his designs, this being the first time the award was ever given to a fashion designer. While he was still in kindergarten Hojo Takashi was introduced to origami for the first time. Later when he was in junior high he read the book Viva Origami that showed him the vast possibilities of the art of origami and increased his dedication to the art. Here is a place, a competition, where people showcase origami that expresses individuality. This is an opportunity to compare their work with other artists. It's also a great place to get new ideas that can later be used to create individual pieces. Art galleries frequently display origami work. Again, this is another good source for new ideas and techniques. Origami involves problem solving and this is a skill that is needed daily by individuals of all ages. Getting people interested in activities such as origami encourages people to develop a hobby where they can be creative and be involved in a group activity. The therapeutic advantages of origami are amazing. You want to be sure the children understand what they need to do and make sure you give them enough time to work it out themselves - don't jump in too quickly to help them. 6. Let them try to fix their own mistakes without too much assistance. Let them know they can "try again" as many times as they need. 

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