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Some tips for beginners - pick a well lighted relaxing area to work in, start with simple figures and work your way up (some figures will have both simple and advanced instructions for the same animal). Don't use really good paper to start with and for true beginners one of the best pieces of advice is to start with a larger piece of paper than what is called for. Other magazines that might have information about origami are mathematical and technical publications. Because this concept is used in many modern day situations, occasionally these magazines may print related articles. If looking for information about origami, a person's best bet is to search the web. One of the most important aspects of modern origami is that the models can be easily reproduced. The diagrams of the folding sequence correspond to the models themselves and having the complete sequence in the exact order is vital to the folder who needs to recreate the model the way it was meant to be. There are special papers made for origami. This paper is often called kami, which is the Japanese word for paper. Kami can be bought in various sizes from 2.5cm to 35cm and more. These square pieces of origami paper generally are prepackaged. Origami paper usually weighs less than copy paper allowing it to be used for all sorts of projects. Do you fall into either of these categories or do you know someone who does? If so origami may be able to help. Origami has been shown to help people develop social skills by taking part in a group project where they are compelled to help each other. Therapists have found that origami is a great way to break the ice and build bridges. There's enough interest in this activity that there are origami competitions held. Individuals who are really skilled and serious about origami work quite hard to design and create complex objects to be showcased and judged at competitions. Anyone could enjoy origami if they were interested. It is definitely an activity that requires interest.
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