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Using either of these search engines a person could quickly find information about origami. Searching the relevant websites would educate people regarding the usefulness of the art of origami. They would learn that this popular activity is not just a form of art but a form of therapy, rehabilitation and education as well. To make a composition more interesting an artist might choose patterned paper or foil-backed paper. There are many things an artist can do to express their individuality. Serious origami artists often compete in competitions. Here is a place, a competition, where people showcase origami that expresses individuality. How are you with problem solving? How about logical thinking? Both of these skills are needed in order to make origami, especially advanced origami a success. The individual needs to be able to look beyond the current step and know what should come next. They need to be capable of forecasting the outcome of each step of the origami process. The paper itself is extremely important to their work. They employ methods like wet folding, cutting edges or making their own paper. Unlike the mathematician or even the modern origamist they are not concerned with sequences or the ability to reproduce any model. They feel it is their design and their expression and it is meant to be seen and appreciated not mass produced. This hall was built using the architect's trademark brushed silver surfaces and was located on a secluded mountain site. In a style that resembled an origami figure the building had "folded" stainless steel planes that peaked into one of his "cloud" roofs. Yokohama International Port Terminal which was designed by Foreign Office Architects is another building that had a steel plate ceiling that resembled folded origami paper. There are individuals who get paid to create certain items using the art of origami. In different parts of the world there are origami competitions where people showcase their work. Origami is an interesting art. It's difficult to visualize this concept. You really need to see pictures and diagrams to help you understand how this idea is applied. 

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