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Hailing from South and Central America as well as from the Caribbean islands, macaw parrots have been legendary for possessing a unique personality and lovable characteristics, which makes them loyal and great companion parrots. But, despite of its superb potentials, most people say that Macaw parrots are not good pets because they possess destructive tendencies, raucousness, demanding, and very noisy large birds. Some pet shops will recommend some cage sizes but remember that these are minimum sizes. If you want your pet to be comfortable and have peace of mind (which will also leave you with a peace of mind), then buy something bigger. Also, make sure that the cage you will buy have bars that your parrot will not be able to get through. These relatively quiet parrots have an average lifespan of 50 to 65 years and are known to feed primarily on nuts and fruits, usually supplemented by vegetables. These birds are known for having a tendency to pluck their feathers if they get bored and tend to bond to only one person if they are not used to interacting with different people on a regular basis. If you re planning to buy a pet parrot in Edmonton or in any place for that matter here are some of the basic things that you have to purchase to give your parrot pet a healthy and happy environment: 1. A decent and loving home. Just like any other parrot, Edmonton parrots pets are known to thrive in attention. These should be kept in cages or aviaries where they can eat and sleep. Preferably, Senegal parrots should be housed in relatively small cages manufactured for small birds and should be provided with lots of toys, T-stands and swings. Senegal parrots are not as great talkers like the African Grey parrots but have the ability to learn a vocabulary depending on the owner s patience to teach. AFRICAN GREYS - More than vanity, this parrot specie is the best sound imitator from among the species. It doesn't mean this parrot has to be on high sale just because of the talking qualities. Owners getting disappointed with non-talking African Grey specie often tends to neglect their pets afterwards. 

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