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Owners actually recommend that you buy the largest that you can find on the market. Some pet shops will recommend some cage sizes but remember that these are minimum sizes. If you want your pet to be comfortable and have peace of mind (which will also leave you with a peace of mind), then buy something bigger. Single breeder Quakers namely blue females range from $400 while the blue make parrots that are guaranteed split to red eyed cinnamon ones cost $800. The blue male parrots that are guaranteed split to pallid male can be brought for $750. The pallid blue females cost $600 while the pallid blue males cost $1250. In fact, as a pet, parrots can be pretty entertaining especially with children who just love their mimicry. But like other kinds of pets, parrots are not all sweetness and light. They can also be a bother especially when you are not really much into pets. Here are some things that you have to take into consideration before buying a parrot for a pet. Stimulation, warmth, excitement, good health, physical energy, love, sex, passion, courage, and protection are also associated with this strong color. But in pet birds especially in parrots being red is an entirely different story. The red in parrots When it comes to colors in parrots, the most common is green. If you are planning to buy an African Grey parrot or planning to have one, it is a must that you know almost everything about this specific type of parrot so you would know what to expect. African Grey Parrot Basics Considered as the best mimics of all parrots, African Grey parrots are known for causing people to place a lot expectation on their eventual performance because of their phenomenal gift of speech, for their problem solving and reasoning skills and their ability to understand the human language. If possible, take time off to talk to the breeder and pet shop assistants who have dealt with your parrot. Talking to them will give you an idea how the bird has been treated in the past. 4. Make sure that you objectively assess if the African Grey Parrot is compatible to your living space and lifestyle.
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