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Small spaces in between bars are recommended for parrots that are small like doves and finches. What s the shape? Although some people think that the shape of the cage is purely for aesthetic pleasure. It is not. The shape of the cages will depend on the kind of parrot that you have. For instance, if you have a small parrot, they will be doing some flying from side to side so the length of the cage is more important than the height. Parrots can be really messy, even a small parakeet. Their food can be flung everywhere even when they are inside the cage. Your floor can be filled up by pellets, seed, and nutshells. Sticky foods may also be plastered on the walls, on the bars of the cage and even at the ceilings. Foods will literally be everywhere. Taking care of parrots Parrots are known for creating close bonds with their owner or the ones who handle them. If there were one person that must understand the bird well, that should be the parrot breeder. Parrot breeders are significant figures in the lives of parrots because they play a major role in taking care of them. Although the type of parrot the specie and family is important for a starting owner or breeder, one of the growing preferences among the so many kinds is the color specifically blue. Blue parrots or those that bear the shades of blue in their feathers, eyes, or beaks are one of the favorites among parrot owners especially those that are first time owners because they look lovely as they grow older and bigger. It s not really necessary to buy expensive toys because they can be home-made as long as the parrot enjoys it. 5. A dependable T-stand. T-stands are actually training tools, thus, they should not be placed where the bird can use it often because they can do tricks you might miss. Other must haves include the gym or play stand, scale, and a carrier to transport them safely. Aside from food particles, feathers will also be present everywhere. If you are not used to having pets as messy as parrots and you are about to have one, you might want consider placing its cage where cleaning materials are accessible. 3. You should also consider the attention you can give and the attention your parrot pet will need.
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