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These birds are known for having a tendency to pluck their feathers if they get bored and tend to bond to only one person if they are not used to interacting with different people on a regular basis. Like any pet parrot, African Grey parrots require a large commitment and dedication. If you re planning to buy one, African Grey parrot prices ranges from $ 750 to $1000 in the market today. Green is more dominant in the young suns and color become brighter in a series of molts. An adult sun weighs 100 to 120 grams. Gender can't be detected easily except when one observes closely. Female birds are more rounded and smaller than the males that are square, flat and larger. Known for being loud and noisy, are possibly easy to train. If you re planning to buy a pet parrot in Edmonton or in any place for that matter here are some of the basic things that you have to purchase to give your parrot pet a healthy and happy environment: 1. A decent and loving home. Just like any other parrot, Edmonton parrots pets are known to thrive in attention. Parrots can bite and they can claw. Even small birds can do this like the parakeet. And this is not just the ordinary bite that will not result to a big wound. They can actually draw blood and rip the skin. Some who bite really hard can even break the small bones. This is not to say that parrots are mean creatures. No bird or any pet for that matter will be happy and healthy if they are confined in a soiled, dirty cage. Putting newspapers under their cage is the easiest way to get rid off soiled perches but make sure you don t use colored papers because they contain toxins that can be harmful to your parrot pet. The Timneh, on the other hand, is overall darker than the Congo African. When it comes to temperament, there are significant differences between the two. Timnehs are believed to be more laid back and less prone to feather picking and other neurotic behaviors compared to the Congo African gray. Generally, African Gray parrots live from 25 to 50 years depending on the history of the bird, lifestyle, stress factors, diseases, and other aspect that may affect its lifespan. 

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