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They are also quieter but are good talkers if taught and trained properly. Since they possess much tamer nature, are known to be less demanding especially if they are given daily attention and interaction. SENEGAL PARROT 101 Senegal parrots are the most commonly kept Poicephalus birds there are. Identified for being a green bird with a gray head, Senegal parrots are famous for sporting different colored under parts, either its belly or vest with a bright yellow iris. The Timneh, on the other hand, is overall darker than the Congo African. When it comes to temperament, there are significant differences between the two. Timnehs are believed to be more laid back and less prone to feather picking and other neurotic behaviors compared to the Congo African gray. Generally, African Gray parrots live from 25 to 50 years depending on the history of the bird, lifestyle, stress factors, diseases, and other aspect that may affect its lifespan. This means getting one that is proportion to the size and type of parrot because this will greatly affect the lifespan of the bird. It is advisable to get one that is very large. Most of these birds prefer to climb, stretch and play so there must be enough space for the parrot to do this inside instead of it just sitting on a perch located inside the cage. Sex is indistinguishable among its kind except if it under goes surgery, or thru DNA tests. Birds are on sale for so many reasons. There is a great demand for any kind of pet in the entire world. Rich nations whose citizens are not endowed with big families resort to pets for companions. In cases like it, birds who have extended life span comes first in the list of relevant life-time companions to ease pain and loneliness of being alone. Hailing from South and Central America as well as from the Caribbean islands, macaw parrots have been legendary for possessing a unique personality and lovable characteristics, which makes them loyal and great companion parrots. But, despite of its superb potentials, most people say that Macaw parrots are not good pets because they possess destructive tendencies, raucousness, demanding, and very noisy large birds. Determining the sex of an African Grey parrot will sorely depend on their physical traits: males are generally bigger in size, round eyes, have a flatter and broader head while females have longer and slender neck, small rounded head and elliptical eyes. These relatively quiet parrots have an average lifespan of 50 to 65 years and are known to feed primarily on nuts and fruits, usually supplemented by vegetables.
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