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Understanding Macaw parrots Among the so many species of macaw parrots, the most popular include the Blue and Gold Macaw, Blue and Yellow Macaw which are the most available and popular kind of macaw parrot for being adaptable, playful, curious, and fun loving; Scarlet Macaw, Red and Yellow Macaw which are considered as among the top ten of the worlds most beautiful parrots; Greenwing Macaw, Maroon Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Red and Blue Macaw which are extremely intelligent and inquisitive ones; Military Macaw that has fine talking skills and a pleasant behavior; Red Fronted Macaw, Red Crown or Crowned Macaw which are among the sweetest and amiable parrots; Hyacinthine or Hyacinth Macaw which is the largest among the parrot family; Hahn's Down which are full blooded Macaws which are talkative and thrive in attention and Severe Macaw which is an uncommon pet bird because of its small size. Familiarizing Yourself With Different Parrot Species Fascinated to the world of the fast-talking, fun-loving parrots? Are you contemplating on the idea of getting one as your pet bird? If you have plans of purchasing one in the future, then you must familiarize yourself with the different parrot species existing in the pet trades and pet stores today. If you are one of those who were instantly drawn to the beauty of African Gray parrot, it is a must that you supply yourself with enough information about these wonderful birds. According to taxonomy, there are basically two subspecies or types of African gray parrot that can be found in today s pet trade: the Congo African gray and the Timneh African gray. Raising Your Parrot Pet in Humane Manner Parrot as a pet has to be out of the cage once in a while. Now this is quite a big deal raising parrots to abide silent rules of knowing when it must be inside or outside a cage. The reality of having parrots as pet is all about the freedom it can get to interact with its owners. SENEGAL PARROTS - Medium-sized specie good for apartments because of its more quiet behavior. Much adept in imitating sounds of surroundings than distinct speech of people. It is not recommended for outdoor and spacious free walks as it can fly farther and get lost. 5. PARROTLETS - Comes in tiny sizes, this specie have no problem with dark places, considered brave. Quaker pairs in shade of blue or pallid blue (those with dark eyed cinnamon blue) are sold for $1350 because they are guaranteed to split to pallid male with an unrelated blue pallid female pair and can also produce pallid blue female babies. Single breeder Quakers namely blue females range from $400 while the blue make parrots that are guaranteed split to red eyed cinnamon ones cost $800.
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