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Well you should be no different. Get yourself a free blog and start showcasing what you can do. Don't just put up pictures of your work though. Make sure to actually talk to your audience. Tell them about yourself and your passion for airbrush art. Show some pictures of your work and tell your audience how you created that design. You do not have to be limited with just your walls inside your home. Everything in your home can prove to be an area to show off your creative side. Airbrush art can go on your cabinets, doors, toilet seats and so much more. Remember though that this does not have to be anything bold. It can just be some simple flowers or ivy trim but the choice is yours. Once you have mastered your skills in micro airbrush art you will be amazed at the amount of detail that you can place in any airbrushing project. This ability will help set you apart from the rest of the competition and allow you to reach the top of the airbrush art industry. Becoming a truly renowned artist in your trade is dependent upon just how much detail you can capture in your work compared to other artists. The better care that you take of your airbrush the longer it will last. So keep your airbrush clean with the right cleaners and once a month do a full break down and cleaning. With needles most artist find that the airbrushes coming out of China bend easier than any of the other airbrushes. So look for one that is made elsewhere so that you do not have to keep trying to straighten a bend airbrush. If you do create your own stencils for airbrushing your automobile do not use paper to create your stencils. Automobiles need lots of paint and this will damage paper stencils rather quickly. So stick with plastic or vinyl material for your stencils. A great cheap plastic to use for stencils is thin plastic folders. These videos are created by expert airbrush artists that will show you exactly what you need to know. Air Brush Action offers up a good beginner's video called AirBrush Action Introduction to Airbrush. This video comes on DVD and will help you to learn about airbrush art. You will get 1 hour and 30 minutes of techniques and principles of airbrushing that will apply to all types of airbrush art.
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