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CHAMPIONS Long Distance Pigeon Race 2023

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Otherwise, it is disqualified. The shortest distance possible for each official race is no shorter than 75 miles. Timing: Each race is timed using electronic band scanning clock systems. Each of the clock used throughout the duration of the race should run at the same time. Participants should provide proper labeling of their timers. So, what you must ensure are to clean the loft, make sure there is no damp area which can become the breeding place of fungus and bacteria, give your pigeons fresh water and clean food at all times, and check with a vet to keep them healthy and strong. Through all of these, your youngsters will definitely grow into good racers. Get Rid of Moisture Moisture is the number one drawer of viruses and parasites in your pigeons' loft. You have to make sure that water is not entering the loft's roof whenever it is raining, and there's no part of the loft that is prone to leaks. Keeping the pigeons dry will prevent them from being irritated and they will not be bothered by parasites that can cling on to their bodies. That is no other than the Homing Pigeon. Historically speaking, they were once made as the source of food for humans and their droppings were good fertilizers for the fields. Eventually, their droppings were then utilized to create gun powder. Then again, the pigeons became popularly known to many because of their ability to carry messages home. Only after the pigeon's 6th and 7th week can it be made to fly higher and farther for practice. By this time, it is understood that the pigeon has developed already some capabilities to recall signs that it can utilize to get back to its owner or loft. Determining the speed of your pigeons is also crucial. Remember that these pigeons can be weaned at equal ages. These birds can be vaccinated at the same age and these birds can be ranged and routed as well at the same age. These birds at their tender age are often grouped together in a specialized housing called the loft, and this will serve as their home up until their racing days. 

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