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But of course, the pet pigeons can be introduced to a much well-rounded nutrition that is composed of pork or beef fat, fruits, seeds, meal worms, and egg shells. Pigeon Racing as a Sport Pigeon racing is a popular sport among the bird enthusiasts. The sport itself involves releasing a group of especially trained racing pigeons. The Essentials in Training Your Racing Pigeons The pigeon is a unique animal in the sense that it is very comfortable with human beings. It is from the same family as with the doves. In fact, both of them are treated to be symbols of peace and love. Like athletes, these birds are molded to compete. That is why, they are trained to become racing pigeons. Their inputs would be very helpful especially on how you can get the right racing pigeons even when you're on a budget. 2. Find A Suitable Loft Before you start purchasing racing pigeons, you must first find a suitable loft design. It doesn't have to be large nor expensive; you just have to make sure that it would house your birds comfortably. Also, for the loft to be properly ventilated, avoid overcrowding among the pigeons. The temperature will be more favorable if there are only a few pigeons that occupy a loft. Also, if in case one pigeon catches a disease, there's a lesser chance for the other pigeons to get infected. 3. Provide Clean Food And Water This factor is already self-explanatory. Doing this can increase the motivation of your pigeons to fly home as quickly as possible and as a result improve your chances of winning the competitions. 3. Set up a training loft and always keep it open during training sessions. Also ensure that there's sufficient space for the pigeons to enhance their flight skills. The rules of the sport, as set forth by the pigeon racing governing body the American Pigeon Racing Union mostly covers significant rules regarding how to race, how to calculate dead time, and how to time the race. Some of the most important rules are: Racing: Each race must start at the same location at the same time.
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