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Inbreeding Racing Pigeons..Big Waste of Time!

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There is no room for lots of errors and untested training and breeding actions. That is because for it to become a successful breeding and racing program of racing pigeons, you need tested set of suggestions and verified rules coming from the ground. And it all starts with breeding up until racing. If you are starting with newly-hatched pigeons, you are expected to note about the commonalities between these young pigeons. Minerals and vitamins must be included in their diet which can be mixed with the water or with the food in the form of oil. It is highly important that the food should have low moisture content or else it will be susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria, and eventually become toxic for the bird. A regular breathing habit is essential for the pigeon's longevity in the sky when racing. Anything that the pigeon breathes in is reactive to his performance, therefore you should avoid dust and other unnecessary particles from entering the loft that could make the pigeon breathe heavily. Also, for the loft to be properly ventilated, avoid overcrowding among the pigeons. The sense of responsibility that one acquires in raising these magnificent birds is something that I'll always treasure. Racing pigeons have also instilled in me a competitive fire that few of my peers can match. The data gathering, the strict training program, and the meticulous feeding, etc. have all contributed to my sense of discipline. To help you in the assessment, let's have a breakdown of these three key features: The Physical (gait, feather, wing) The physiology (fitness parameters). Psychology (attitude and competitiveness). The best fanciers also realize that the race basket is the best determinant of a pigeon's racing qualities. Also ensure that there's sufficient space for the pigeons to enhance their flight skills. Everything else comes easy once this is done since the bird themselves are always eager to flex their flight muscles. Remember that the loft they were raised in is not the same as the training loft, but it's completely acceptable to set a single loft that can serve as both. 

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