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Two Races In One Day - Scotland to England

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There is no room for lots of errors and untested training and breeding actions. That is because for it to become a successful breeding and racing program of racing pigeons, you need tested set of suggestions and verified rules coming from the ground. And it all starts with breeding up until racing. If you are starting with newly-hatched pigeons, you are expected to note about the commonalities between these young pigeons. Leftover foods that are oftentimes soiled already can greatly affect the bird's digestive system, bringing forth diseases that could slow down the pigeons. Make sure that the foods that you give your pigeons are of the highest quality, and that the containers are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 4. The former is being done to have full control on breeding while the latter is often for pigeons which are not yet identified whether male or female. Lofts may come in different forms too. There's the "trap and landing board" for race pigeons, a "flypen" for those that are limited to fly freely, a "nestbox" for each pigeon especially that they are territorial animals, and numerous "perches". No other person knew about this event right away, except for Count Rothschild, who got this first-hand information through a racing pigeon. This knowledge enabled Rothschild to make decisions way before other persons had a chance to meddle. He was able to collect a large amount of money to start up a banking dynasty. As someone who spent much of his childhood racing pigeons, I have learned invaluable lessons that I still find useful as an adult. The sense of responsibility that one acquires in raising these magnificent birds is something that I'll always treasure. Racing pigeons have also instilled in me a competitive fire that few of my peers can match. You can't expect it to race fast if it's not in good health condition. Training tosses don t usually help with the pigeon's performance. These usually negatively affect their health. It is better to have a pair of excellent pigeons than to own a group that doesn t perform well. Don t overwork your pigeons, especially the youngsters. 

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