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Meanwhile, Vitamin C is best in the prevention of different skin infections. The skeletal system then depends on its full development from the Vitamin D that the body receives. Sterility is then prevented by Vitamin E. Other Essential Foods for the Racing Pigeon Seeds are very important for the birds. That is because for it to become a successful breeding and racing program of racing pigeons, you need tested set of suggestions and verified rules coming from the ground. And it all starts with breeding up until racing. If you are starting with newly-hatched pigeons, you are expected to note about the commonalities between these young pigeons. But take note that we are not debating on the size or the cost of the loft. It is about which you think is more comfortable for your pigeons and easiest for you to maintain. It will highly depend on your budget and the number of lofts you prefer to have. The most important thing is of course, it is clean and dry and is safeguarded against the possible predators. All About Homing Pigeon Racing Homing pigeon racing is the kind of sport that is composed of a single starting gate but has at least a hundred finish lines. It is then referred to as the "uncontrolled competition". It is likewise considered an aerial race wherein there are thousands of competing birds yet there are no spectators. The shelter, specifically called "loft" for a pigeon house, comes in different styles depending on your desired functions. Most pigeon fanciers build multiple lofts in order to separate the males from the females as well as the young from the mature ones (or the unmated from the mated). The former is being done to have full control on breeding while the latter is often for pigeons which are not yet identified whether male or female. There are basically three types of breeding methods that you can adopt to make sure that you get the best possible pedigree for a racing pigeon: cross-breeding, line-breeding, and in-breeding. In cross-breeding, unrelated pigeons (or which are five generations apart) are made to mate with the hope of giving birth to better pigeons better than their parents.
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