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What Happens to Lost Racing Pigeons

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Well, generally, anyone who is fairly interested can be involved in racing pigeons. After all, it is not only a kind of sport but is qualified to be a hobby as well. In fact, some even consider it a business from which they earn a healthy profit. Historically speaking, even the king of England, George V, kept a loft that had many racing pigeons in it. For every screams of joys, there is also that group of fanciers who silently applaud and hope that they can bring the fastest pigeons the next time around. Are you one of them? If you are then remember that success in this form of racing is simple and easy; it's about teaching those winged creatures in the art of navigation and endurance. If bowel diseases are present, the nutrients that are found in quality grains will be decreased, and not all of the energy and protein present will be maximized fully by the racing pigeon. A healthy mix of quality grains must also be prepared. Use at least eight different grains to achieve a good balance of protein. Racing pigeons also count as one of the best pets to keep at home. And because they are a source of joy, you must ensure that you pay attention to their health concerns. Illnesses must be given due notice before a simple symptom develops into a bigger problem. What are the things you must do to be sure that everything is going smoothly with your racing pigeon's life? The moment you spot a pigeon that easily give up after a few weeks, no matter how fast it is, is the time to judge that bird as incapable of winning any race competitions. Always keep in mind that heredity plays a big factor in determining a winner. While it doesn't guarantee that a super pigeon will have competitive offspring, it sure does increase its chances. An Important Note To Racing Pigeons Generally, racing pigeons occur when there is a group of pigeons gathered in a specific liberation point and then released at the same time. The time of release is then recorded. Depending on the kind of race, the birds should return to their lofts or home and are clocked in. 

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