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Eye protection For a game that has a flying ball moving incredibly fast, your eyes (your most vulnerable body part) become dangerous random targets. Racquetball games require goggles to protect your eyes, no ifs and buts about it. They should be made of unbreakable plastic and need to be adjustable. (After a time, perspiration lubricates them and needs to be set securely again and again during the game proper. In 1969, the International Racquetball Association or IRA came into being via the efforts of Robert W. Kendler who was the president-founder of the US Handball Association. Moreover, in this very year the IRA took the spot of the NPRA in facilitating the national championships. Four years later Kendler was involved in an argument with the IRA board of directors which resulted into his formation of a pair of racquetball organizations. The sport hit its peak in popularity in 1974. That year, it was estimated that there were up to three million racquetball players in the country alone. At the same year, IRA organized the first ever racquetball professional tournament. The organization then went to become a founding member of the International Racquetball Federation. Beginners could buy good racquets for as low as $20. Meanwhile, customized and advanced racquets could reach as high as $300. There is no need for other equipment just to play racquetball. There is a need to wear proper eye protection. There are balls that are specifically and specially designed for the sport. Shoes are very important as they can dictate the footwork quality of a player especially for lateral movements. In terms of clothing, comfort and ease of movement is very vital so a short sleeved shirt and shorts are usually utilized. Now let s go to the very core of racquetball, the ball itself. This is what spectators follow with each hit and bounce. In order to execute a good forehand be sure to align your elbow with the top of your shoulder while your forearm is parallel to the floor with the elbow joint forming a 90-degree angle. The fundamental of a backhand involves the arm reaching towards the back wall with the arm slightly bent as if making a bow shape. 

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