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Done perfectly, this can make the ball bounce twice on the floor making it impossible to be returned. The best way to do a kill shot is hitting the ball a couple of inches off the floor straight to the front wall. Pass shot In racquetball, the pass shot is one very good defensive shot. The reason is simple: Anyone can execute it, whether you are a pro or a beginner. There can even be a case wherein a successfully executed service may end up striking the side wall before the service line and then the ball would end up hitting the court area after the service line. Whenever a player misses out on the first try a defensive serve comes into the picture. These serves do not aspire for flashy aces but emphasis is given on causing a weak return thereby giving the offensive player a higher chance to score. A point is also lost if the ball does not come in contact with the front wall during the rally. Another scenario would be if the ball goes overboard into an out-of-bounds surface such as the spectator s gallery, wall opening, or any area that deviates from normal playing field. Furthermore, a slow ball can also cost a player a rally particularly if it hits another player due to the lack of velocity required to reach the front wall. After practicing these little tips, how would you know you are doing a master swing? If you are hitting the ball very hard without forcing your arm muscles to do all the work, if you can hit a forehand and backhand splat shot without straining your arm muscles, and there is fluid movement in your body as you do your swing then, you would know you have it. The elbow should be pointed towards the side wall and away from the body making sure that racquet release is done with the free hand. The weight of the body should be directed to the back portion of your foot. It s significant to be aware of the basic anatomy involved with racquetball moves. The elbow should be at least 8 to 12 inches away from the body when making a lead. ) Don t keep one knee straight when bending your knees. You need to bend both of them, or else you are just leaning over. Do not move your hips and shoulders in a straight line. They should both be rotating in a circular motion (start with the hips first before the shoulders). Do not hold any tension in your arms. 

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