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Water is considered gray when you wash clothes, clean vegetables, take a shower, brush your teeth or only lightly contaminate the water. Gray water can also be reused or easily recycled. Black water refers to water that s used to chop meat, rinse fish, or flush the toilet. Black water can not easily be recycled, because it may contain feces or other bacteria, therefore it needs to go to a waste water treatment plant to be properly recycled. Buy-Back Centers These recycling centers operate in the same way as drop-off centers. However, these pay homeowners or consumers a price that s based on the market value of their items. Recycling offers a wide array of economic and environmental benefits. Recycling can help save millions of dollars from city or municipal budgets, because there s less demand for landfills or new garbage collection trucks. You may already know that anything made from metal has got some value to it, from a metal wire or can to large steel beam. When collected together, these items are sure to earn you decent sums of money. Go around your street or neighborhood, and find out the areas where you easily can find scrap metal items. Here are a few tips for the proper recycling of cardboard. Which Types Of Cardboard Can Be Recycled? According to recycling experts, two types of cardboard can be recycled. These are flat cardboard and corrugated cardboard. Flat cardboard is generally used in packing cereal and shoe boxes, while corrugated cardboard is often used in packing boxes, because it has a ruffled layer between two pieces of cardboard. How To Recycle Old Electronic Items Ensure that all the batteries you use for your flashlights, cell phones and toys are sent to recycling centers, because throwing these in the garbage bin may harm the environment. Any broken electronic appliances or items may also be repaired and reused at home too. Recycling refers to the re-processing of used items or waste products into reusable or new products. Recycling offers a number of eco-friendly and financial benefits. Here s a more in-depth and balanced look at how recycling helps to benefit both man and the environment. Recycling Cuts Manufacturing Costs, And Saves Money According to environment advocates and government planners, recycling saves businesses, governments and households considerable sums of money. 

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