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This inner critic is the nagging voice that tells you how deficient you are, how ugly you are, how weak and useless you are and how people dislike you for who and what you are. It will convince you to believe in all these lies until your self confidence is sapped and your sense of self becomes devoid. Because of such poor models and lack of attention given on you, you would soon find that you are really incapable of doing things when in fact you have gifts beyond your own reckoning. Your belief on their beliefs would then send you blaming yourselves for all your failures. And at times, you would even convince yourself that you are also responsible for the failures of those people you have close contact with. Unless you live in a solitary cave somewhere, people would realize that you are up with something. A good way to gain self confidence also lies in your goal setting. People tend to set higher goals than what they can truly achieve. This occurs because many believe that by setting higher and often unrealistic goals, they will be motivated to achieve more. You might be wondering why there is a need to develop physical presence when many times, we have been recognized even we were quiet of our achievements. Well, this principle worked rarely though this does not negate the fact that this works. However, everyone here is a mercenary on his own. He must act where everyone sees him before he is actually seen. In the same way, if we choose to be chickens then we would have to accept the reality that our purpose would be defeated. That is, to give glory to the Universe who has kept us in her arms and fed us with everything we needed. Be like an eagle and live a life free from the damaging culture of the chickens. Sometimes, we would need effective stimulation. Self confidence roots down from these two. Development of self confidence may suddenly dawn on you. The realization would come as if something breathed life into you and awoke you from a long sleep. From your inner self comes the voice that would tell you what to do and how to do them. 

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