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Social Anxiety Disorder - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

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Anxiety disorders include panic attacks, fear disorders, and sleep disorders. Stress disorders affect more women than men by a difference of about 2 or 3 percent. Anxiety attacks appear for a reason, generally that the handling of life’s stressful situations is not adequate to help the body adjust. This is known as the fight or flight reaction, and is widely accepted as the main reason behind any panic attack. When a person experiences an extremely stressful, or traumatic, event the body will react. A release of chemicals into a persons system will cause an extreme reaction to the situation. An anxiety panic attack occurs when the chemicals are triggered by a reactive stressor. Fear of Losing Control Another anxiety attack symptom that is almost always present in an attack is the fear of losing control. This fear comes from the seemingly uncontrollable symptoms that precede like becoming light headed with a racing heart, and shortness of breath. It is a natural feeling for us to feel as if we are losing control of our own bodies. There are certain SSRI antidepressants on the market today that are specifically recommended for use in treating anxiety along with depression. Many people who suffer from depression do not know it. When someone who experiences panic attack and depressed has a panic attack, it can be very frightening. Whether this is caused by a chemical imbalance, or not, the trigger for an attack has to come from the sufferer. So tip one is to remember that these attacks are all mental. Once you learn this step, and learn to believe it, then you will be well on your way to dealing with your panic. Tip Two: The second best tip this panic attack self help guide can tell you are that panic attacks often tend to be caused by certain lifestyles and certain personalities. The best way known to treat GAD is through relaxation techniques and therapy. Generally talking children out of their worrying can work wonders, but a trained mental health physician is usually the best prepared to encounter such a disorder. Children are taught to use positive self-talk instead of the discouraging words of worry and are taught to generate a dialogue with others to explore their feelings. 

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