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Speed Dating in Front of 50 Strangers (PART 2)

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Stay alert for special speed dating events that offer ones for special interest groups. You can find a speed dating event for almost any kind of group like for lawyers, gay and lesbians, sports enthusiast and the like. Whatever the case, with the proliferation and continued popularity of speed dating in London, you can be assured that more and more eligible singles will be joining these activities and if you have the time to invest enough time to attend one, you're sure to find one or two extremely interesting individuals to send your heart on the path to romance. Men turn over to the left and the ladies remain in their original places. One date takes to another in a row up until 15, the ladies allowed to meet some 2 to 3 male counterparts with total of 30 daters, after which if the 15th is reached, a break of 15 minutes will follow. Drinks are allowed while consuming the time; and after, to continue in getting through with the remaining 15 daters. The Internet gives us instant information, our microwaves cook our food instantly, and mobile phones keep us in touch with others in real time. Why do we have to go through countless of hours and nights of single dates that may not end in the way we want it to. There must be a way to speed up the process of prospecting, dating and going into a relationship without having to waste precious time. With the speed dating structure, men and women are partnered and forced to talk to each other. Sure the time is short, but it does give the guy or girl an opportunity to talk to someone he or she likes. The speed dating environment is also less noisy than those of bars and clubs. In speed dating, you and your partner will have a better environment to have a good conversation compared to clubs where the music is always roaring and constant interruptions from people. To make matters worse, one may have to go through these several disaster dates before hitting the jackpot and finding someone we actually can click with. The problem is, it often feels like hopeless optimism to think that you may ever find "the one" especially after your personal history of disaster dates. This is where the mini-dates are set. In such tables, two speed daters try to get to know each other better. But such meetings are set with time limits. At the end of one mini-date, a speed dater gets up and moves on to another table to get to meet another speed dater and so on and so forth. This novel dating method allows speed daters to get to know as many compatible singles as possible without the inconvenience of making the other party on the table pleased. 

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