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Fefe Dobson - Stuttering

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The mind-body-spirit medical philosophy is also known as alternative medicine or holistic medicine because clinicians look into the totality of the person including his mind and body to understand the dynamics that may induce or cause the illness and not just the symptoms. The underpinning principle for such technique is that human organisms naturally yearn for balance and wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Types of Neuropharmacological Agents in Treating Stuttering Because the cause of stuttering has never been clearly defined, the use of pharmacological agents has not been encouraged ever since. In addition, people who stutter experience different effects of drugs prescribed for treatment. As such, there are different perspectives being taken in drug treatment for stuttering. Vital Notes about Different Aspects of Stuttering Stuttering is considered as a kind of speech disorder that manifests through a person s hesitation to continue what they are saying, repetition of syllables or whole words and phrases and prolongation of sounds while they are speaking. This is usually experienced by children from ages two to five because this is the stage when they are only learning to form sounds, words and complete sentences. First conducted in 1987 Germany, this therapy program was named after Van Riper from whom it took several of its basic underlying principles of treatment. It is called the Van Riper Program as Intensive Interval Therapy. It is called interval because of its block schedule system a five-day duration of segments with six to eight weeks between the segments. After asking other relevant questions, the speech pathologist will perform a full assessment of the speech and language abilities of your child. Various treatment methods are available for children with speech difficulty. These treatments only alleviate the condition to reduce stammering no cure has been invented yet. Make sure that you act on the problem as soon as you recognize that there really is a problem before it gets out of hand. 1. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. If you are already having problems in conveying your thoughts to other people, it won t help if you will simply stop talking to them. 

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