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Then, the next type is the oily skin that is characterized by shiny appearance and large pores on the skin's surface that makes it prone to acne. People who have oily skin should shun away from too much scrubbing that can cause more pimple breakout. It is also advisable that they use non-comedogenic skin products to maintain a healthy skin. When combined with bacteria, dead skin cells and hormones, these oils are trapped in pores and induces swelling. Often, lumps will develop into white heads or blackheads or even purely red lumps that are tender. Acne can also lead to scarring when not treated early. Some acne extend so deep within the skin and form nodules and cysts that even when heals, will leave scars that may not disappear. Using oily products will only add to the oil already on the skin. They should instead use water-based products that are easily removed. 2. Wash your face Another solution to a problem is the frequent washing of the face. This is done to prevent the build-up of oil on the skin which in turn will prevent the occurrence of acne. Acne can be the most troublesome visitor one can have, since it mostly comes at a time when you need it the least, which is everyday I suppose. But sometimes, it comes as an unwanted guest at the most ill -opportuned times in out lives. It may not be life- threatening, but it sure can cause you a lot of embarrassment or sometimes make you lose face. Aside from being low in calorie-content, high in dietary fiber, and full of dietary nutrients that help maintain efficient metabolism, veggies in various preparations also make good and appetizing snacks. Aside from being a rich source of important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B-complex micronutrients, vitamins C, E and K that combat vitamin deficiency, vegetables are also excellent sources of the protective plant micronutrient called phytochemicals. Following are descriptions of each of the types and suggestions on how to care for them. Normal Blessed are those with normal skin because this type is the least problematic of all. One, it looks fresh and supple even after midday. Two, it is smooth and has even complexion. Three, although pores are visible, they are not large enough. 

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