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A truffle is not your typical mushroom that looks like an open umbrella. Instead, truffle mushrooms look like wrinkled potato or coal. Their sizes vary from that of a marble, golf ball, or a human fist. They also come in different colors, most of which are black, brown, and white. Are They Poisonous? If you re going to take a pig with you for some truffle hunting adventure in the forest, be very careful because the pig might devour the truffles even before you can take one. Some truffle hunters use a staff to make the pig back off once it finds a truffle. 3. Know that laws the govern truffle collection in your area You can t just head over to the forest and go on with your truffle collection adventure without knowing first if it is allowed in your area. When storing your truffles, wrap them individually in paper towel and place them in a sealed jar to ensure that its odor won t affect other foods in the fridge. Regardless of variety, truffles work best when paired with fat-rich foods such as cheese (Parmesan, Asiago, and Romano varieties), butter, cream, and foie gras. In each type, there are variations in sizes, colors, shapes, textures which can either be smooth or wrinkled and even in taste. Usually, the taste of truffles is greatly compared to garlic mixed an earthiness flavor. It tastes like mushroom only made more pungent with the aroma of garlic. In the field of culinary, truffles are usually served raw. Yes, truffles are known all over the world not only as fungi, but also as an exquisite delicacy that s meant to be savored along with other gourmet dishes. You can tell that a mushroom is a truffle if it has a thick, rough, and wrinkled outer skin. It is usually black, white, or brown, depending on its variety. It was bought by billionaire Stanley Ho, when the truffle was put up for an auction in Macau. It was sold for a staggering $330,000. There are different varieties and may look different based of their kind. So be familiar with the different kinds of truffles. There are some mushrooms which may look like truffles but are actually poisonous. 

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