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Easy Chocolate Truffles 4 Ways

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Instead, focus your search on oak, hazelnut, fir, beech, hickory, and eucalyptus trees. Soil quality - Truffles are abundant in warm and moist soils. You have better chances of locating truffles about a week or two after a heavy downpour. Animals - Rodents, chipmunks, and squirrels can be your road sign to finding a bunch of truffles. So far, the only use of truffles is in the field of culinary or food. These are used ad main ingredients or as garnishes to various dishes. Since these are very expensive, gourmet restaurants only serve these because only the chefs can truly maximize the use of this pricey delicacy. And, even in restaurants, truffles are used sparingly not only because these are expensive but it also has a very pungent taste. Their soft flesh has white and chocolate brown color, while their outer skin is muddy tan and chestnut-colored. 6. Oregon White Truffles Harvested from October to February, Oregon white truffles grow in northern California, British Columbia, western Cascade mountains, and Pacific Northwest. An Oregon white truffle has a white exterior, which turns brownish orange as it ages. The winter white truffle is best known for its garlic-like flavor and musky smell. This truffle is not really white in color; it is actually yellowish. Winter black truffle - Native in European countries like France, Italy, and Spain, the winter black truffle is typically harvested between November and March. The truffle mushroom is an expensive delicacy, with prices ranging from $250 to $450 per pound. It s mainly because of the consistent high demand for it. What also makes truffle prices soar is the difficulty of finding and harvesting these mushrooms. Typically, truffles are hunted by dogs and pigs that are specially trained so that they can use their sharp sense of smell to find truffles and to dig them. It is white when still young and would develop an orange-brown color as it matures. Oregon brown truffle- it is reddish-brown on the outside, and sort of grey in the inside. Oregon black truffle it is very dark and would have a pungent smell when mature/ripe. Perigord truffle- also called French black truffle which is found in Spain, Australia and United States. 

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