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How to Grow Truffles

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Because of the nature of female pigs, trufficulteurs has decided to use dogs instead because they do not consume the pricey delicacy once these are located. Like other mushroom types, truffles are likewise divided into so many different types. In each type, there are variations in sizes, colors, shapes, textures which can either be smooth or wrinkled and even in taste. The Sensual Appeal of Truffle Smell Did you know that during the pre-historic Greek and Roman civilizations, truffles were used as an aphrodisiac? Yes, truffles have been used for centuries not only as a delicacy or natural medicine. Their alluring aroma stirs a sensual feeling, so it s little wonder that truffles are regarded as the culinary counterpart of sex. If you re interested in making a hobby out of hunting truffles, then you should start with learning the sources of truffles. If you think your first stop for finding truffles is in France, think again. In fact, you can find truffles in different parts of North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and North Africa. What Exactly Are They? Well, here s the science behind growing truffle mushrooms. They grow underground, which means they are not exposed to open air. Instead, they live near the roots of certain trees in the wild. And since they grow underneath the ground, they cannot disperse spores on their own through air. Timing is essential in harvesting, marketing and buying truffles. There are truffles like the black winter variety that is best bought during its peak season which is from February to March. Truffles have their own characteristics and colors which could change based on their age or maturity. For example, black truffles when still young would have red exterior color with the inside white instead of black. Make sure that the truffles are 100% covered in oil. This storage method will prevent freezer burn and capture the aroma of the truffle into the oil, hence the truffle aroma. Never slice, shave, or grate the truffles until you are ready to use them as ingredient for your dishes. Purchasing and storing truffles involve a great deal of care and a bit of effort. 

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