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The mathematics of weight loss | Ruben Meerman | TEDxQUT (edited version)

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The concept behind calorie counting is that you can eat whatever you choose, but you have to make sure that you exercise sufficiently to get rid of those calories. Your energy output must be greater than your food input. You are not allowed to have any extra calories hanging around that can easily turn to fat! You may be surprised to learn about how many minor symptoms are caused by matter built up in the colon. This may include: Headaches Tiredness Back ache Constipation Abdominal pain Bloating Depression Weight gain or loss Insomnia Acne All of the above symptoms can benefit from a homemade colon cleansing diet. Giving your body smaller meals to process more frequently throughout the day keeps the digestive system active and prevents an excess of calories from building up. When your body senses that it has taken in more than it is expending, it will begin to convert those excess calories to fat as a reserve for times when food is scarce. Walking It goes without saying that walking is a key to losing weight. The more walking you can do the better, but aim for at least 30 minutes of dedicated walking per day. However, faster weight loss will be accomplished if you walk twice a day for 30 minutes. The faster you walk the better as your heart will pump faster. Another great benefit to mini gastric bypass surgery is the fact that the procedure is actually quite shorter than the average procedure. In fact, in some cases it can even be up to a quarter of the time that a more traditional approach to the procedure would take. The mini bypass surgery usually takes only about thirty minutes to complete and the recovery time in hospital is usually only about 24 hours. It is important for you to set your goals so they are obtainable. They must be set high enough to be a challenge, but yet low enough so you don't get discouraged quickly. If your doctor tells you to lose 50 pounds, you need to break those 50 lbs down into bite size chunks. (Pun intended) An example of doing this would be to set a long term goal of losing the 50 pounds over a six month time frame. 

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