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Bay County women's self-defense class demonstration

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A woman's self defense expert once said, "If you said you wouldn't be caught dead in a dark alley, your mistaken. Dead is actually is how you would be caught in that alley." A good way to keep your valuables from being stolen is to fool your attacker. You do not even have to have a women's self defense class for this one. The interloper will do anything to keep his crime a secret and will wait until you are out of eye sight or out of ear shot of the general public before he will perpetrate his crime. If you make noise to attract the attention of other people, most attackers will resist the urge to continue the assault once started. If you think you are being followed, tell the bus driver or get into an occupied building as fast as you can. When you do get off the bus, get off in well lighted areas that are in the publics view. Even if you have to walk an extra block or two, Stay on well lit side walks and choose the side of the street that has more lights on at houses. The pepper spray also causes a massive amount of salvia and nasal discharge to come out of the nose and mouth. So not only can your attacker not see you, they are also dealing with breathing which is difficult because of the amount of fluid in the both the nose and the mouth. The best women's self-defense system once you have spayed the pepper spray is the scream and run. With this attitude prevailing in the youth of America, a women's self-defense is important to prove that a woman can take care of herself and not become of a young man's desire for sexual violence. Night clubs and discos have become a hunting ground for men of low character who are looking for easy sex without the benefit of honor or self-restraint. You need to know how to take care of yourself and your children in case a person of low reputation choose to accost you for reasons of harassment, theft, rape, or to inflict bodily harm. The lack of preparation can set you up with serious consequences such as loss of personal property, unwanted sexual proposals and action, injury or death. 

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