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Here after weeks of physical conditioning and indoctrination into the military life style, the women get their first chance at women's self defense classes. These classes will show this new warrior how to take out an attacker in various ways. The woman will learn self defense using her hands, her bayonet, her rifle, and her grenades. If your hair brush has a stiff handle you can use this to jab to assailant in the face or eyes. If you comb has a pick, this makes an excellent stabbing weapon. Even by raking the comb sideways across the attackers face may give you time to run away or escape his grasp. Hair spray can also be used as a weapon. Most assaulters are men and they see women as an easy target. Why choose a man to rob when he is likely not only to defend himself, but would also slow down the assault and get away. Women are the logical choice for the criminal activity because most women would succumb to the assaulter's wishes because of smaller stature and less strength. They will learn to defend themselves from their level of understanding and their physical size. Once your child has taken these classes, reiterate the lessons often to remind them of the techniques they have learned and what they have to look out for. Together you can make your family safer by being more alert and helping each other make good safe decisions`. Even if you have had women's self defense training it does not mean that you will be able to defend yourself completely. You may have save your life or your wallet, but the trauma of an attack is to much for some people to handle. Even friends and family may not enough to get that bad memory out of your head. That is just the ones that are reported and not the ones that go unnoticed. The sad thing is that perpetrators in most cases are there brothers, fathers, or uncles. There are cases of female on female abuse, but that is even less reported. Women's self defense advocates and experts both agree that any abuse should be reported and any woman who is at danger of being assaulted or sexually molested should get out of the environment and use the skills the women's self defense course has taught her.
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