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Antioxidant Rich Foods With Every Meal

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Modern theories of aging are generally looked at in two theoretical ways - the damaged theories and the programmed theories. The damage theories of antiaging primarily look at the damage that our cells incur over time. Hence, this aspect of antioxidant antiaging therapy focuses more on extrinsic aging, which is the aging process compounded by externally caused factors. When this happens, a chain reaction is created, one that when accumulated could result in massive cell damage. The Benefits of Super Antioxidants The job of super antioxidants is to hunt down free radicals but not to eliminate them. No. But to neutralize them so they'll stop their disease-causing rampaging. The only problem is they do not distinguish between healthy and harmful molecules so that there is a great possibility that they would also "attack" your other healthy cells, causing massive cellular damage, tissue damage, and eventually resulting in a chronic disease or disorder, such as aging. In this article, we will attempt to answer all your questions about antioxidant and free radicals, plus help you understand why it is so important to include rich sources of antioxidant nutrients in your daily diet. A Little Background on Chemical Bonding When talking about antioxidant and free radicals, we can't help but touch a little on biochemistry. Prior, a USDA nutritionist and research chemist based in Little Rock, Ark explains that berry antioxidants were ranked according to their total antioxidant capacity. However, they were surprised to find that besides berry fruits, antioxidants may also come from the most unexpected foods as well. Prior and his colleagues used the most advanced technologies available to tabulate antioxidant levels in more than 100 different types of berry fruits, vegetables, nuts, and spices. These antioxidant enzymes neutralize many types of disease-causing free radicals, ridding the body of their harmful effects. Supplements of these antioxidant enzymes are also available. Usually they are for oral administration in the form of pills or capsules. However, the absorption of antioxidant enzymes in supplement form is minimal at best. 

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