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What is anxiety?

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Remember that only a medically trained professional can properly diagnose an anxiety attack and can, therefore, prescribe a practical anxiety attack treatment. There are no miracle cures, generally, and attacking the symptoms of anxiety attacks only combats half of the problem overall. Your doctors will likely rule out any associated medical conditions first. When someone has more than one panic attack, they can develop a phobia towards the situation, or a fear to return to a specific place. Add in an already depressed view of the world, a worry that others find no worth in you, and you have a recipe for one miserable person. Health care professionals are learning that the instances of panic attack and depression coinciding together are more common that thought. Other signs include increased heart rate, sweating, tingling in the extremities, headaches, nausea, extreme emotional fluctuations. Symptoms The list could go on for quite sometime, as symptoms tend to be a mixed bag when concerning panic. However, any panic sufferer will attest to the immense feeling of anxiety that accompanies an anxiety panic attack; as if there is nothing in the world that can help you, unfortunately it is one of the major common symptoms that mark an attack. First, getting a proper sleep on a regular basis is a key component to resting the body and helping it recover from the day’s events. Second, a proper diet gives the body the nourishment it needs to continue through the day and repair the cells, organisms and tissues that need to be repaired. Third, taking private time to yourself helps rejuvenate your spirit and quiet your heart. If you have ever experienced a panic attack, then you know the feeling of terror that accompanies them, as well as the crippling fear that it might happen again. If you are one of the three million Americans who have had multiple panic attacks, you should know that there are ways to control panic attack symptoms. A panic attack is a sudden onset of fear or other terror that causes frightening symptoms that can paralyze a person in the mood of the moment. Many people report the notion of being “frozen by fear” and an anxiety attack definitely resembles that to a large degree. Patients discuss shaking, trembling, chills, numbness in extremities, heart palpitations, and trouble breathing among other things that are caused by the great difficulty of a panic attack. 

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