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While they can be brought inside for display, it is best to leave the plants outdoors as frequently as possible. This will ensure that the bonsai plant can go into dormancy when it is required. Dormancy is a stage where the plant goes into hibernation and recovers from any damage done to it during the growing seasons. When you begin sculpting your own tree, you will need to remember that patience is necessary in order to succeed at this art. When you go to sculpt a bonsai tree, you will need an assortment of tools. Wire pliers, branch cutters and pruning tools are just among a few of the tools you will need. Most of the tools required for maintaining and growing a bonsai tree can be purchased at most hardware stores or are sold online from stores that specially handle bonsai tree care supplies. For the casual grower, bonsai trees are simplistic, just small trees that are stunted by the confines of their pots. For the professional bonsai tree grower, the trees are works of art that can last for hundreds of years if cared for properly. If you are interested in growing bonsai trees, there are several things that you should keep in mind. While most beginners only work with the four basic bonsai supplies, advanced users will use wire pliers, and special concave clippers to help shape and grow their bonsai. As you become more skilled with your bonsai, you will find you need more of these bonsai supplies in order to get the style of bonsai you desire. This will make certain that you are using the right bonsai tree care tactics and ensure the long life of your plant. As you become more adept at bonsai tree care, you will learn how to properly prune your plant, pot it in larger pots, and trim the roots so you have a proper sized root mass. You will learn how to wire your plant so the branches go to the form you want without leaving unsightly scars or damaging the visual aspects of your bonsai tree. Training ficus bonsai can be done by bonsai growers of all experience levels, which is one of the reasons this style of tree is very popular among growers. It can be sculpted into complex scenes, or guided for a more natural appearance. This allows anyone to handle one of these plants. As the ficus bonsai group contains many varieties of figs, there are species that are harder to care for, and some that are easier to care for.
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