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Train Your Brain To BECOME LIMITLESS & Achieve ANY GOAL You Have | John Assaraf

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Fluid intelligence is different from knowledge and skills that have been acquired like vocabulary and math. The head of the research, Martin Buschkuehl, mentioned that it is possible to improve IQ test results if we would take IQ tests frequently. However, it does not mean that there is significant development on the brain, itself. Among other things, it had also been proven that exercise increases cognitive brain functions, enhances learning, boosts memory and keeps away neurodegenerative diseases. (Exercise stimulates growth hormones that helps revitalize neurons.) Nutrition and diets Again, based on research data on brain nutrition, restricted-calorie diets can increase the life expectancy of your central nervous system. Visualization Visualization gives a good mental workout. Pick a memory and recall everything you can about it the smells, the colors, the time of day, the people around, etc. Think what and how you felt then happy, sad, elated? Try to recall everything. If it was a beach vacation, can you still remember the smell of the sea, the feel of the breeze, the sound of the waves? Brain training aims to use neurofeedback as a strategy to help learn or change brainwave patterns. The brain is observed and the pattern of the brain activity is presented to the patient/customer. Neurofeedback aims for self-regulation of the brain. The training or neurofeedback (also called neurotherapy) starts with the patient being interviewed and the initial brain activity taken. There are also studies showing that brain training could help children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, in terms of increasing focus and memory retention. Children have demonstrated that they are quicker learners. In Jean Piaget s theory on children s cognitive development, there are four stages of cognitive growth among children: the sensorimotor stage (during infancy), pre-operational stage (toddler and early childhood), concrete operational stage (elementary and early adolescence_ and formal operational stage (adolescence until adulthood). However, if this is hampered by his weak cognitive abilities (spending too much time in doing homework, for example) the child will miss out his chances of excelling. Healthy body, healthy attitude Studies had shown that healthy bodies follow healthy minds. Healthy habits follow thereafter. If a child is struggling in school, their attitude and outlook go out fast. 

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