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Other interesting children's birthday party themes include slumber sleepover, tropical outdoors, under the sea, indian themes, cowboys, character-centric themes (Spongebob Squarepants, Blues Clues, Kim Possible, etc), outer space, farm animal themes, Star Wars, and others. You can mix and match popular themes of you want. Place much of your attention to the games and activities that will make your child's party the most memorable. Entertainment mainly refers to games. Thus, you have to have several activities planned to keep the birthday celebrator and his or her guests out of boredom. At a children's party, nothing is more terrible than having the kids complain that they want to go home early during the event because nothing's happening. Bring out a jar of candies or buttons or whatever and ask the young guests to guess how many of the items there are in the jar you're holding up. The person who guesses the exact number of contents or the one closest to it wins. Children's birthday parties are not parties without games. Aside from the good food and the other forms of entertainment and goodie bags, kids will have a lot more fun if games are included. Most parents would consider their babies' first birthday parties as important milestones in their children's lives, that's why they go all out with the preparations. Some parents opt to hire professional party planners to get rid of the hassle of preparations, but there are others who prefer to go the challenging (but, actually, more fulfilling) route of planning the party themselves - from the theme down to the minutest details, like the design of the table napkins. For your young guests, you can have participants guess animals and objects by having one of them act out what the animals do, while the rest try to guess what animals they are. The Pinata is a staple at almost any children's party. To make your own Pinata, all you need is a paper grocery bag filled with all kinds of treats. Of course, since you're planning a children's party, your invitations should fit the theme. Or if you opted not to plan a themed party, at least fit with your child's age. You can purchase ready made children's birthday party invitations from bookshops and party supplies stores, or you can make them yourself.
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