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Food and Skin Care You are what you eat, as many would say, and surely, whatever you eat, shows in the appearance of your skin, thus, it is important to know the importance of correlating food and skin care. Millions of people all over the world suffer from the most common food related disorder known to modern man today, which is obesity and science has indeed proven time and again that the food we eat is shown on the appearance of our skin. There are a lot of skin cleansers available in the market, especially drugstores and skin care centers, however, awareness should also be the responsibility of everyone before even going through this process. Take for example the importance of knowing your skin type, which is key to also knowing which type of skin cleansers to use. Excessive sun exposure, use of harsh skin care products, and genetics are also possible reasons for having dry skin. Dry skin calls for special care using products that aim at keeping the moisture sealed into the skin. People with dry skin should steer clear of products with alcohol since alcohol can further cause dryness. This doesn t mean, however, incorporating complex skin care routine in daily itineraries, because practicing skin care basics should do well enough. Here are the four basics of skin care. Do them with regularity and your skin will look as radiant and young as you want it to. 1. Cleanse. A healthy skin is a clean skin, so regularly cleanse your skin with a compatible facial cleanser. Scar Revision This is a surgical procedure conducted to remove acne scars, especially the ice pick and box cars, which are pretty deep. An excision is made during the procedure through a punch. This hole is then closed with sutures that are often about seven days later. Another technique used in this procedure is the subcision, which uses a sharp instrument to undercut the scar being treated. Aside from fatty fish, major sources of omega-3s are ground flaxseed, walnuts, and eggs. Other sources of monounsaturated or unsaturated fats are olive oil, canola oil, almond oil, hazelnut oil, avocados, olives, almonds, and hazelnuts. Since stress also contributes to the person's overall beauty and health, experts also recommend healthy foods such as beans, green beans, sugar snap peas, green peas, and chickpeas to stress reduction as well as lean proteins such as turkey and skinless chicken breast are best to boost the immune system. 

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