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Set Realistic Goals and Achieve Them! (for those who feel LOST in life) | Goalsetting A to Z

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Life, after all, is discovering your potential and developing it in the process. 5. Academic. Perhaps you're no longer getting any mental stimulation lately. Maybe your education-related goals had expired many years ago. Perhaps it's time to go back to school for another degree, or engage in any thought provoking activities. Take the time to sit down and list all your goals and aspirations, and craft a chart to see whether you are near or far from any of these goals. For others, career goal setting is no more than a few minutes of talking it out with some friends, or silently thinking about it, albeit melancholy, over a bottle of beer. If the financial component of your project, plan, or goal, is larger than the source of your finance, then there is problem. Or perhaps the load of the work resulted in company planning you have just attended is too much with the present manpower in your company, then the goal you have set is not smart because it s not attainable. That is why one importance of goal setting is that it provides a venue for one to know himself or herself better. By knowing oneself better, and humbly admitting shortcomings and realizing talents and skills, one can estimate his or her own capability or capacity, which, in the long run, would be helpful in other and various aspects of life. Since the very purpose of goal setting is to be achievable, your goals should be challenging enough to stimulate you but realistic enough so as not to discourage you in the end. For instance, you want to set a goal for your personal growth, as a person and as a professional. These two can be easily confused into one thing but they are different. Sometimes, teens would not understand why they would have to set goals when there is no guaranty that these goals would ever be achieved. Teach the teen to clearly identify his or her goals. The teen would define his or her own goals. It is to be based on his interests, likes, ambition, knowledge, skill and talent. 

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