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When petting iguanas didn’t go well #exuma #iguana

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They make their dwellings on the top of trees. Naturally, they can climb up the trees and even jump from a height of about 50 feet. The female will lay eggs. A normal iguana may even live for thirty years. In case you want to keep iguanas as pet, you should note a few important points as dos and don'ts with them. The Primary Things You Should Know To Care for Your Pet Iguana A lot of people buy baby iguana in the urge of keeping them as pet. When these creatures grow up, these people are unable to keep them in their small cage and try to somehow get rid of them. When iguanas are getting a proper care, they grow up quite large. They have most common features like tails, eyelids and long legs. These cold blooded creatures and can live for about 20 years. Most of the breeds of iguanas are found in Central and Sothern America, Mexico, Lesser Antilles Islands, Florida, Hawaii and California. Many varieties of the iguana belong to arboreal category. It has its exclusive characteristics of being able to nourish in the sea water. It is prospering only on Galapagos Islands and is named after the island as Galapagos Marine iguana. It lives in its natural habitat in boulders on shores of the Galapagos Islands. These iguanas are also living in marshlands on beaches and mangrove. There are both natural as well as artificial nests for iguanas. The iguanas get their babies from both types of nests. The disadvantages are that, if the number of reptiles increases more than the owners have space in their homes, it will be a big problem to feed them. It is difficult to manage and control when they already exist in a huge number and will not survive unless they get full care, proper food and shelter. Species such as the red iguana and also green iguana exist in huge numbers, but there are a few species similar to Fiji Island iguana as well as Brachylophus vitiensis, which are turning out to be in endangered category. However, many times, it is hard to distinguish iguanas. Most of the species act different and appear distinct. 

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