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WE'RE MOVING | We finally found a house! | Moving Vlog 1 !

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You can also get boxes from supermarkets, and sometimes from recycler and on Craig s list. Some removal firms also supply them if you're using their vans, or their moving men, or provide them if you are letting them pack for you. Packing clothes into suitcases or bags means that they are easy to transport, and easy to fit into spare spaces in your transport, but you need to make sure that the bags or cases are sturdy enough to contain your belongings well. Its also a good time to ensure that everything that you've been meaning to repair is taken care of is actually done a faulty stair tread, banister or fence in the garden may only be a minor annoyance to you, but can be a danger to anyone looking at the house. Its hard to sell your house without help, but one of the biggest tips you can take to ensure your house sells is to make sure you've removed your 'imprint'. Large photos, framed items and paintings other wall based items are easiest wrapped in bubble-wrap and then placed carefully in a safe place they'll need to be monitored carefully when moving, as anything falling against them could cause serious damage, tear or break them. By far and away, the most awkward items to move are computer monitors and TV are the hardest to move unless you've kept their boxes, you'll find it very difficult to either fit them into a box that you have acquired, or find that you need the boxes for other things. Its impractical to even try to consider being organized and unpacked within one day, unless you have very few belongings, so you should try to unpack in the order you packed, or as close to it as possible placing boxes in or near the room you're planning to unpack may be impractical, depending on the size of the house, but makes things easier. Toothpaste isn't just great for cleaning teeth you can use it to remove stubborn ink, crayon, or scuff stains from any surface be careful to test it on wallpaper first in an inconspicuous place. You'll have to remove most of these stains from walls before painting as they can show through several layers of paint. Two Days to Go The last few days before your move will be a blur of final packing, cleaning, touching up, organizing and sleeplessness. You'll probably want to take time off work, if you haven't done so already, and devote all of your time to finishing your preparations for the move. Everything should be in place for you by now if not, you should follow up on any loose ends that will affect your first days in your new house as soon as possible. 

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