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This can be achieved in basic origami projects such as a paper airplane or demonstrated in complex origami projects such as spaceships. How deeply involved in origami as a hobby an individual would like to become depends totally on their interest. Origami as a hobby can be time-consuming if a person gets into the advanced forms of the art. People who are having emotional and mental problems sense a feeling of acceptance while being taught the art of origami. Realizing someone is willing to take the time to teach and show them how to do this activity promotes positive emotions. When origami is demonstrated in a group setting, it helps the troubled individual experience a sense of belonging. Although normally made out of origami paper you can also use cloth, newspaper, tin foil, gift wrapping paper, old calendar sheets or magazine pages. Plate Decorations: Perk up any meal with quick plate decorations. Cranes, boats, a bird, a house or a flower made from napkins (cloth or paper), paper towels or any other festive paper you have handy. Learning the art of origami should certainly begin with basic projects. Reading books for origami beginners can be a great help. If hoping to read origami diagrams, there are symbols to learn. If living in an area where origami classes are taught it might help to sign up. The Internet is a great resource for origami information from the very basic to the advanced. For people who are learning this art, using normal copy paper would likely be a smart idea since it would be less-expensive than buying fancy origami paper. For many projects, heavy paper (approx. 25lbs) is required for origami art. Not only is this activity done with dry paper but often individuals make wet folds which does, require a heavy paper. Because the end result is an object of some sort, it's also exciting for children because they are anticipating the outcome. Origami takes time which makes this activity a great pass-time for children. It keeps their minds and hands occupied. Origami can be very basic such as the simple folds required for a paper airplane.
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