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The diagrams of the folding sequence correspond to the models themselves and having the complete sequence in the exact order is vital to the folder who needs to recreate the model the way it was meant to be. What diagrams there were in the traditional origami did not always show the complete sequences. When people first began practicing the art of origami, they probably had no idea of the amazing benefits this activity would produce. Likely initially used as a decoration or simply a way to kill a few hours, origami has been transformed into an activity that has many magnificent uses. There are books written about the art of origami and its benefits for various situations. Tissue foils are usually glued to both sides of a piece of aluminum foil to make a piece of origami paper. There are stronger types of origami paper on the market. The Japanese use a paper called Washi which is made from various wood fibers and is stronger than paper made from wood pulp. Since origami is popular in Japan, a paper such of this would certainly be beneficial. While he was still in kindergarten Hojo Takashi was introduced to origami for the first time. Later when he was in junior high he read the book Viva Origami that showed him the vast possibilities of the art of origami and increased his dedication to the art. Throughout his lifetime he has used the wet folding techniques invented by Yoshizawa and created unique figures with soft curves that have had a great emotional impact of the people who see them. Basic Origami Folds Terms & Techniques As with any other craft origami has its own terms and techniques. Here are some basic horizontal and vertical folds. It is very important to keep all your folds crisp and clean. The Book - fold a piece of paper (rectangular or square) down the middle vertically making certain the opposite edges line up one on top of the other. The Internet provides a worldwide database for just about any subject imaginable. One great of advantage of searching the Internet is the search engine. There are different search engines provided on the Internet such as Google and Yahoo. Using either of these search engines a person could quickly find information about origami.
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