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Are you someone who needs something to work towards? Origami is a great activity for goal setting. Looking at a picture of the intended outcome provides the individual with a motive to complete a project. With each fold they are closer to their goal. Once the object is finished and the goal is reached, they experience a sense of achievement. When the first steps to making a figure are applied to other figures, resulting in a number of figures having common shapes, the common shapes are called bases. There are several established bases such as the bird, the kite, the windmill and the water-bomb to name a few. Modern origami relies heavily on these existing bases alone and in combination when designing new figures. Praise, praise and more praise - if the figure is somewhat crooked or a little wrinkled, so what? 9. Let the child express what he thinks of his piece. Everyone has different taste and opinions as to what is nice. 10. Children and abstract forms don't always mix well. If it helps to let them color or paint faces on their animals - let them! Not everyone is prepared for the challenges associated with advanced origami projects. However if the interest is there, an individual can learn how to do advanced origami. Many people are so fascinated with the idea that they design their own origami compositions. This would definitely require knowledge regarding mathematics, as well as creativity and vision. Money origami may not sound very interesting to some people but to others it is quite fascinating and a reason to continue looking for new objects to make with their money. For people who are familiar with the art of origami, money origami is not a new concept. However for those who know little about origami, they may be astounded to see what can actually be made from a single dollar bill. There are different levels of origami from very basic to extremely complex. Little did you know that when you were making a paper airplane as a child, you were doing an origami project. This is an example of basic origami. Many people's interest in folding paper stops at the paper airplane. However for many other people, origami is quite fascinating.
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