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How To Make a Paper Crane - Origami Crane Easy - Step by Step Tutorial

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Tissue foils are usually glued to both sides of a piece of aluminum foil to make a piece of origami paper. There are stronger types of origami paper on the market. The Japanese use a paper called Washi which is made from various wood fibers and is stronger than paper made from wood pulp. Since origami is popular in Japan, a paper such of this would certainly be beneficial. Certain set shapes were fashioned from folded paper for special occasions like weddings, while serrated strips of white paper were used to adorn sacred objects in the shrines, a practice that continues to this day. There wasn't a lot of origami just as an art form at that time. In Japan from the early 1600's through the late 1800's, several forms of entertainment were developed for the common people; origami, now as an art form was one of those entertainments. Teachers around the world have used origami to teach different concepts in chemistry, physics and architecture as well as math. Origami construction is defined as the folding of paper using the raw edges, points of the paper and any creases or points subsequently created by those folds. The folded paper is seen as both an art piece and a geometric form. To know which folds to make, the student or individual needs to listen attentively. This is a good practice for anyone. Origami is great for fine tuning motor skills. This activity requires an individual to use their hands, both hands to fold the paper in order to achieve their goal. Our hands are needed to do just about everything. Patience is essential for the art of origami. Working out the intricate patterns in different projects can be quite tedious. Not just anyone will have the patience to continuously fold a piece of paper attempting to create a particular object. For people who design origami projects, the mathematics of it all can be very frustrating and again would definitely require a patient individual. To be able to take a simple concept such as paper folding and watch it make a difference in people's lives is awesome. Origami is a learning experience that incorporates communication skills and problem solving skills. It's also a great activity to promote goal setting. Finishing an origami project takes time but the results are beautiful and fulfilling. 

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