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The ideal carrot cage should have a pull out try in the bottom so the owner can just take this off and wash it before putting it back inside. This is better than going inside and to clear the housing of droppings, which will take a long time to clean. The parrot cage should come have a designated area where the bowl will be placed. To illustrate a few from among the types "Conures," will tell that each one comes from a certain wild place of origin, almost all from the wilds of South America or South and Eastern Africa where vast virgin forest still abound. - Sun Conure - A type of Conures parrot it is a very beautiful bird in a mixture of yellow, orange and red with a slight touch of green on its wings. You should also consider the attention you can give and the attention your parrot pet will need. Being social flock animals, parrots are known to enjoy utmost attention. You must know when to pay attention to your pet parrot because they become easily depressed, lazy, and untrusting. Give them enough freedom to explore and interact with you. Parrots can bite They may seem docile creatures but they are actually not. Parrots can bite and they can claw. Even small birds can do this like the parakeet. And this is not just the ordinary bite that will not result to a big wound. They can actually draw blood and rip the skin. Some who bite really hard can even break the small bones. Red parrots becoming popular pet parrot preferences because they exude mystical beauty. But did you know that some parrots are red because of their melanin chemistry and feather structure? Studies show that some parrots are red due to Tyndall Effect. During Tyndall Effect, light scatters, thus, reflecting off the feather structure. Make sure that you provide you African Gray with the basics it needs like large and safe cage, good and healthy diet, a wide range of toys, a dependable T-stand, as well as a gym or play stand, scale, and a commercial carrier. 3. If possible, take time off to talk to the breeder and pet shop assistants who have dealt with your parrot. 

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