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A Method To x100 Your Productivity | Robin Sharma

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Labor Vis- -Vis Multi-Factor Productivity For a long time, when there is talk of productivity it always means labor productivity. This is the measure of the output that an hour of labor produces. Multi-factor productivity is more comprehensive than labor productivity. Whereas labor productivity tends to focus on manufacturing (easier to quantify) rather than services, multi-factor productivity on the other hand takes the computation several levels up. It presents eight levels of work units, from the lowest-motion up to highest-results-achieved because of outputs. Sassone (1991) The technique used by Sassone is simple to implement. Work is classified by the lowest level of employee. Work is then recorded by the type. Finally, data is compiled in a matrix format and analyzed. If you are just starting with increasing your productivity, it will be best if you start small and simple so you won't feel defeated when you don t meet the standards you have set for yourself. If you start with small and simple things, there will be greater chances that you can accomplish bigger things in the future. Make it a regular or a tradition that you and your family meet out and have fun together during the day. There should be time for work and for family fun. Enjoyment and winding up could somehow help bolster your overall productivity. Clean the house regularly. De-clutter the home of all the unnecessary and non-useful equipment and materials that only tend to pile up and consume precious space. Same topic Without knowledge of each other s work, both authors worked independently on their books without any connection from one another. Evidence of this was the total absence of cross-references between their works. Strangely, they were working on the same topic, within the same framework, and even within the same vicinity at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Consider the value of a highly efficient production of un-salable goods or perhaps a person pursuing his own target and refusing to cooperate with colleagues who are falling behind. That is a concrete example of maximized individual efficiency, but not that of the organization. The measurement of productivity brings a qualitative dimension when effectiveness is factored in. 

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