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Dr. Cal Newport: How to Enhance Focus and Improve Productivity

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Time diaries, estimates, work samplings and direct observations are some of the tools employed by Anthony (1984). The gathered data are analyzed by a computer, and reviewed to eliminate insignificant items. All in all, each of these other techniques of productivity measurements has their good points worth taking a look. MRT MRT (mutual reward theory) is an incentive program where the organization assists an employee to reach his or her goals. This is accomplished while sill meeting the company s production goals. The greatest rewards are achieved when the benefits are at an optimum for all persons. Usually, productivity is directly proportional to the degree of success of MRT. By having a personal mission statement, you would notice that your own actions and mindset are regulated to take the direction that would lead to productivity and success. When you set your goals and your targets, it is imperative that you identify a center of life where guidance, wisdom, security, power and inspiration could be sourced out. Enjoyment and winding up could somehow help bolster your overall productivity. Clean the house regularly. De-clutter the home of all the unnecessary and non-useful equipment and materials that only tend to pile up and consume precious space. This way, people around the house would be given ample movement space to roam around and move more freely. When setting goals for yourself, consider and know yourself really well first. That is because you should take into consideration your various skills, ability, talent, capacity, competency, and knowledge in achieving or executing your goals. If you run short of any of the mentioned concepts, chances are realizing your goals would be as hard as you could never have imagined. Productivity ratios refer to units of one single output (for example: labor cost in dollars, number of worker days or total cost) to one single output (financial measures such as profit or added value or physical measures such as tonnes produced or standard minutes of work.) All of these ratios and given definitions does not include efficiency, an important concept in productivity evaluation. 

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