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Studies show that hard times like these can serve as an inspiration to motivate a person to be productive. When one learns the concept of productivity, that person will be equipped to overcome difficulties and triumph over life's adversities. When practiced religiously, productivity can help people learn lifelong lessons and use these to live a good and contented life. Once all of these have been identified, it will be easier to turn the bad ones into good ones and there would also be greater chances of making the positive ones better. Small steps Being productive is not an easy task. It would require so much self-assessment as well as constant reflection over one's self, on his or her environment, the people that surround him or her and the overall condition of life that he or she is in. You might also have home-based earning activities for extra income. Organizing the home could be tedious. It could entail becoming meticulous. The home should be maintained and properly kept for coziness and productivity. Organization is one thing most people really are not good enough at, but if they only try, they would be surprised at how they could complete necessary tasks. If you want to get started in increasing your productivity, you should: - always have a dream and hold on to it. Since productivity is a not an easy task to start with, it would be best if they start now by having a dream that they could hold on to. The scale or the size of that dream doesn t matter, it can be a big thing or a small thing, what's important is the person is willing to do everything to achieve that dream. It is expected that the same inputs should produce the same outputs a number factor. One advantage of this is the fact that the index does not depend on who collected the data or when it was collected. Evaluation and measurement Measurement is the methodology of establishing the amount of wok involved in a work function. This comprehensive approach in enhancing worker performance may capitalize on quality measures like value, TQM (total quality management), quality circles, innovations and performance standards (profitability, efficiency, customer satisfaction, on-time delivery) and carries a wide range of personal and team rewards and incentives.
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