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By that, the progress and development of your efforts to achieve the goals would be measurable and comparable. Of course, being realistic is part of the game. You would not set goals that are too impossible to achieve, right? Otherwise, it is not a goal you are setting but an impossible and impractical dream, which could only be achievable by mere chances and luck. On the other hand, multi-factor productivity growth is the rate of output growth relative to the growth of all production inputs labor, energy, materials, and services. In the equation Multifactor Productivity=Output/(KLEMS), K is the capital services, L is labor services, E is for energy, M stands for materials and S refers to the purchased services. Technology Technological changes sometimes happen fast in some industries while in many others the changes are more gradual. Technology, however, always improves. Economic productivity will depend on pricing and demand. If the consumers require less products that can be produced potentially, plants will not work at full productive capacity. Productivity ratios refer to units of one single output (for example: labor cost in dollars, number of worker days or total cost) to one single output (financial measures such as profit or added value or physical measures such as tonnes produced or standard minutes of work.) All of these ratios and given definitions does not include efficiency, an important concept in productivity evaluation. One area of great concern to industrialists and capitalists is related to labor productivity and the impact of the many factors around it workplace practices, the advent of computers, capital infusion, education and training, and many others. The main reason is the fact that while the impact of human capital investments on the workers wages had been studied extensively, there had been little information on the direct effect of human capital on productivity. Since productivity is a not an easy task to start with, it would be best if they start now by having a dream that they could hold on to. The scale or the size of that dream doesn t matter, it can be a big thing or a small thing, what's important is the person is willing to do everything to achieve that dream. 

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