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How to increase productivity by 100X | Success Secret | Dr Ujjwal Patni

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To do so, specify or have a clear picture or idea what it is you really want to get done. If the goal is still too broad or general, simplify it further and further until you get to the specifics. Make sure the goal is measurable. To make it so, make it easily comparable to several set of activities or to other simpler and achieved goals. If you come to the office on time, you could start working early. You would observe that at the end of each day, you are able to achieve and complete more tasks. Lastly, maintain your focus. You should resist using the Internet for unnecessary activities. It would be better if you could work offline so you would not be tempted to surf porn or just chat with online friends using online messenger or real-time messaging services. Downtimes are easily identifiable because the equipments (or the whole process) are not running. Production monitors can be set up to show all the number of small production stops, reduced cycle speeds, and other normally-undetectable downtimes. This can help anticipate these minuscule downtimes to be corrected immediately. It seems that periods of high productivity growth are periods of lower inflation. The interpretation by economists on the correlations between productivity and output, real per capita income and inflation are further clouded by other economic factors. Further studies are still to be done. However, one thing is evident. Without productivity measurement, it does not have control. Data-gathering Collecting data is an essential requirement in measurement. The three basic ways of collecting data on a phenomenon or system are inquiry, observation and documentation. Afterwards, the basics are done the outputs are evaluated against the inputs. Regarding the motivation of fear, it did not take long for the working environment to become highly negative. Negativity in the office tends to decrease productivity. Some businesses have seen more employees spending more time at the proverbial water cooler. They are griping about the fact that they do not have enough money because of the present cutbacks. 

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